A groundbreaking collaboration between the H2020 Project INFINITE and Horizon Europe Project MODERATE has resulted in the launch of pyBuildingEnergy, a pioneering open-source Python library aimed at revolutionizing building performance assessment. Developed as part of ongoing research efforts, pyBuildingEnergy introduces innovative features to evaluate building energy consumption and comfort levels with unprecedented accuracy.
pyBuildingEnergy is a freely available, open-source Python library that aims to perform an assessment of building performance in terms of energy and comfort.
The first release allows to assess the energy performance of the building using ISO 52016-1:2017.
The actual calculation methods for the assessment of building performance are:
the (sensible) energy need for heating and cooling, based on hourly or monthly calculations;
the internal temperature, based on hourly calculations;
the sensible heating and cooling load, based on hourly calculations.
The tool will be updated with additional modules for a more comprehensive evaluation of performance, assessing ventilation, renewable energies, systems among other things.
The tool documentation is available at the link: pybuildingenergy 0.0.1 documentation
The library is downloadable here: pybuildingenergy · PyPI