Our partner Francesca Conselvan from e-think presented MODERATE at the workshop: ‘Towards a dynamic and enhanced EPC: advanced procedures for building assessment and certification’ at TIMEPAC-2023. Session 1 focused on using BIM for the EPC generation process were Francesca presented the open platform of the MODERATE project to enhance building processes. In this session, they […]

BIGG Final Event: Data aggregation and harmonization for a sustainable built environment

We’re excited to be part of the upcoming BIGG Project FINAL EVENT, focusing on “Data Aggregation and Harmonization for a Sustainable Built Environment.” This event is a fantastic opportunity to delve into sustainability within the built environment. In the second part of the event, we’ll be presenting alongside CIMNE, Inetum-Realdolmen, and CSTB, showcasing the BIGG […]


The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFSCON, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFSCON promotes the use of Free Software in digital infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired. Moderate was presented by our partner EURAC during the session Public Money Public Code & Open Data […]

Enabling Sustainable Building Performance: Data Exchange Innovations by MODERATE Project

MODERATE will participate at REHVA Brussels Summit on the 14th of November with a dedicated session. The “Enabling Sustainable Building Performance: Data Exchange Innovations by MODERATE Project” workshop is designed to explore the pivotal role of data exchange in achieving sustainable building performance. In an era marked by growing environmental concerns and energy efficiency demands, […]

“Data-driven Retrofits: Upgrading to Climate Resilient Buildings” @EURESFO

On Friday, October 20th, during the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Cascais, Portugal, an insightful panel discussion titled “Data-driven Retrofits: Upgrading to Climate Resilient Buildings” was hosted by BuiltHub. This session, attended by almost 40 participants, featured a  presentation by our fellow partners,  Pablo Amador from the Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE), representing  […]

Update in MODERATE’s Building Stock Analysis!

In a dedicated effort to enhance the accuracy and reliability of our research, we’re thrilled to announce an important update within Task 3.3 – Validation of the Building Stock Analysis. ???? What’s New? We have meticulously updated our dataset in response to valuable input from experts during expert interviews. ???? What’s Changed? As a result […]

Check out MODERATE’s new video!

Discover the essence of the MODERATE Project in our latest video, where we break down our mission into simple terms. MODERATE is all about forging connections between data providers and key players in the building industry. We’re revolutionizing the way datasets work together, drawing from various sources to enhance interoperability. If you’re curious about the […]

MODERATE WORKSHOP: Enabling Sustainable Building Performance: Data Exchange Innovations

Join us on the 14th November 2023 at Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91, 1050 Brussels from 15.30-17.00 REGISTER HERE The “Enabling Sustainable Building Performance: Data Exchange Innovations by MODERATE Project” workshop is designed to explore the pivotal role of data exchange in achieving sustainable building performance. In an era marked by growing environmental […]

Learn about MODERATE in the REHVA Journal!

Are you interested in learning how MODERATE is improving data exchange between different data providers/owners through data synthesis? Or how platform will make free data-driven services available to enhance the analysis of building performance, providing real-time insights and facilitating optimization? Read our article in the REHVA Journal that was published in April 2023.  The article […]


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